It's time. "Time to Celebrate".
After experiencing the most horrible year WE have ALL EVER HAD. It's time NOW to at least finish on a POSITIVE and Celebratory note. Let's do something for ourselves. Something for our family. Something for our friends. Something we can share together and see off this most challenging and difficult year, in style. With the people we love!
This pack is designed with a little something in it for everyone. For mum and dad to enjoy with the kids or a group of friends to help share some time together. After being apart for so long, allow us at Rich Eagle Distributors to help you enjoy your time together, fuss free.
Included in the Celebration Pack is:
* A really nice bottle of wine
* Three packs of coffee from our great range:
88: 100g (Beans/ Ground), filters
Posh5: 100g (Beans/ Ground), filters
MrE Coffee Series: C1-F3-S4 (Beans/ Ground), filters
* A Selection of nibbles:
- Block of Old Gold chocolate
- Nutty sesame and fruit bars 100g
- Raw fruit and Nuts 100g
- Chocolate freckles 80g
*All parceled together in one of our great gift boxes.
*Also included for the first 25 orders ONLY
- A Mystery CD from our amazing library.
- A "Limited Edition" Xmas card
Total Value: $78